Watchdog CityTM Fee Schedule Watchdog City charges the following for listing content on the site: Initial listing fee: $1.99 -- This is the minimum cost for posting content on the site. Additional features are also available. See below. Additional features: Front page featured: $4.99 -- This feature puts your listed written, video, photo and audio content on the front page on a rotating basis. So every time someone visits or refreshes the page, the listings rotate. Beat featured: 50 cents -- This puts your content on top when viewers include a beat in their search. Highlighted: 50 cents -- This puts a colored highlight around your story to make it stand out. Story duration: Listings lasting as long as 8 days are included in the initial listing fee. You can go to 10 days for an additional 50 cents. If you check the "Automatically relist" button your story is automatically relisted 500 times before you have to pay another listing fee. Be sure to check this button to avoid paying to relist multiple times. A 20 percent final value fee will be charged on each sale.
City Calendars
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